The free postcode search of Deutsche Post AG (hereinafter referred to as DP AG) enables users to search the Deutsche Post AG database for postcodes and streets in Germany. The data are supplied by DP AG exclusively for personal use. Natural persons with unlimited legal capacity who are consumers in accordance with Section 13 of the Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB - German civil code) - hereinafter referred to as Users - are entitled to use the free postcode search. The enquiry volume is limited to 200 information requests per User and day. After every sixtieth information request, the User is prompted to enter a Recaptcha (fully automated test to determine whether the request is made by a human or a machine). An information request in the sense of this service is the selection of an address or the display of search hits. After more than 200 information requests on any given day, the User will be blocked for this day. The use of the requested data to create systematic collections in any form, in particular to compile a new database, is prohibited. The User may only pass on the data and/or information supplied to third parties with the prior consent of Deutsche Post Direkt on behalf of DP AG. A third party in the meaning of the provision is any natural person or legal entity. The commercial performance of address matching, address leasing, data enhancement and other services based upon data inventories, which are performed using the data supplied by DP AG, also requires the prior agreement of DP AG. If the user culpably violates the obligations under this section, DP AG is entitled to claim damages.
This free service is provided purely on a goodwill basis. This means that DP AG is under no legal obligation to grant use; the User shall therefore have no contractual claims. DP AG accepts no liability for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the data. As the service is provided on a goodwill basis, DP AG is liable only on the basis of tort or delict; DP AGs liability is therefore limited to intent and gross negligence. However, DP AG shall be fully liable for injury to life, limb or health arising from a deliberate or negligent breach of duty by DP AG or a deliberate or negligent breach of duty by a vicarious agent or legal representative of DP AG.
Last updated: 05 March 2018
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